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The Concept of Fourth Dimension

The Concept of higher Dimension

Its all about geometry and grasp of knowledge of complexity when we come to this point of discussion. Let me just clarify that the universe that we observe is a three dimensional universe but what we live in is called the spacetime because the dimension of time is added in the same space we live in which have only one dimension for us. And if you do not understand what that means, then  I will just mention it next.

Draw a line or a curve in a piece of paper. In which ever way you bend that line in that paper, that is still called a one dimensional. This is because, when we consider a universe which have a single dimension, a single line, then the "things" in that universe are restricted to anywhere but along the line in a same path. They can only travel back and forth even though their way may be bent or straight. So, that is called one dimensional space.

Now you paint something on a paper, or draw something that have a shape, maybe circle or square or some random picture, then that picture is said to have a two dimension. Let us consider a paper for example. And let us consider there are drawing of peoples. So if somehow those peoples are made to move in there, we can see that they can move up, down or left, right. They need to have a eye and mouth on both of their side to see and talk on both sides. They will be restricted to move out of the paper because, for them, "out of the paper" does not exists at all because they are fixed in that surface of paper and Since they can now move in two lines of up-down and left right, they are said to be in two dimension space.

Now when you make a sphere or a box out of that same paper, it turns out to have a 3 dimensions. That means, if some creatures live inside that sphere, they can actually move up, down or left, and back and forth, like we do. We can move east and west or north and south in earth or above or to the surface, but there is no other way in which we can move on our will. Or, it would also be good to say that, we won't be able to imagine something that would move in other direction, other than the direction or combination of directions mentioned above, since we live in a space of three dimension.

And another interesting fact about all those directions mentioned is that they all are mutually perpendicular to each others. And they are called as X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis in Geometry. So, if we could imagine another dimension like this which would be called another spatial dimension( or the fourth spatial dimension) then it should be perpendicular to these three dimensions, which seems quite impossible for us to imagine at this moment. Because imagining something is making a visual picture in your mind. But since our mind and we live only in a three dimensional space it is impossible for us to imagine it because we never have the perception through our eyes to something like that before.

These are the four dimensions as we know now. But these days many physicists and Mathematicians around the globe are working on the a very strong and possibly the final theory in nature which is called the super-string theory now developed to M-theory where some people call M to be Mother or Master theory because it seems like it is the most basic theory of nature that outstandingly unifies the two great pillar of modern physics which are "Quantum Mechanics" and the very special  "General Theory of Relativity". And the best thing is it defines that the other dimensions are are within our own dimensions but are curled so highly that they only seem like a string. And this theory of everything says that these strings(by the way there are 10 dimensions like that according to superstring theory) dance over another dimension called the Membrane because this 11th dimension is like a membrane for other dimensions of strings. So, it is now called the Membrane theory.

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