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The origins of the Super-String Theory

Science has progressed a lot as we all know. And its progress seems to have been more rapid in past 100 years. Scientists have been trying to develop more and more advanced grasp of natural law and have been quite successful so far. But........... with a problem. Because of this problem the physicists have been seeing the dark cloud rooming on the sky. And the problem is: As everyone may or may not know, there are two foundation pillars of modern physics on which the complete modern physics rests. One is Quantum Mechanics which provides the theoretical framework for understanding whole universe in the smallest scales from the atoms and molecules to deep inside upto electrons, Protons and quarks. And the other one is the Albert Einstein's one of the most beautiful and extra-ordinary theory called the General Theory of Relativity, which defines the universe in the theoretical framework of largest possible scales like stars, galaxy, clusters and way beyond the super clusters. Now, when these two theories are compared to one another with both leads to each others very disturbing conclusions that they are not at all compatibles to each others. What I mean to say is, as both have undergone for so massive amount of progress in each field with very accurate results all the time when tested individually, that have explained the expansion of whole universe and also the smallest fundamental particles of the nature but despite all these facts, they both cannot be right!!!!! And the reason why you think that would have happened is because a physicists either goes on to study about the largest scale or the smallest scale. So, there has been a long existed problem in this part.

But as we know, the universe could be extreme. When we see all the phenomenon in this universe, from the big bang to day, the super powerful black holes, the giant structures, the particles that are trillion times smaller than an stom and so on we will say that the universe is really extreme. So, here's the question - so does that mean that it is possible that universe is divided into two, which requires one set of principle to describe when things are huge and requires another set of principle when things are small?

When some one asks this question, a very young theory in physics compared to the vulnerable edifices of quantum mechanics and general relativity, which is called the SuperString theory would answer you a bold and concrete NOO!!!


What is Space and Universe?

The Myth

Space seems to be all the empty place around us. The space that we cannot see is what we know about it. Seems quite confusing answer to this but you will know what I mean.:) What our intuition says about the space and universe and their relation could be a great truth for you but believe me there are a lot of "stuff" out there in the universe, which would really amaze any person when told about it. And what you think you know about this may be just the myth in real science because of the complexity of this vast place all around us which make us feel like to be a very infinitesimal.

Universe is empty space where there are stars, planets, moon, other different heavenly bodies, huge dust particles and a lot more.But there is a problem when I just say this. Because there are trillions and trillions of other different things on the same universe which we can never imagine of.  People think or lets say that myth tell us that there's no gravity in space, or there are very less mass in the space, or we can also say the things about heavens and Gods are in Universe too. And they turns out to be a very popular myth indeed or that the misconception that a lot of people may bear, "space and universe is same thing". But there are a lot of fascinating, and hallucinating  facts and there occurs some serious phenomena that is really hard to explain.

I, at this point of time of time also consider the questions like, What happened "before" big bang(if you believe that really happened)?

"A lot of people out there may have a lot more things in their mind and there might be a lot of expectations to learn from these kind of blogs. I will just try to share my knowledge based on readings and studies, then will go the logical conclusions based on the evidences, from what I read prior to writing this blog and what scientists all around the globe have been finding for all these times."

Current Knowledge Of Universe...

From the point of Issac Newton's time to the Albert Einstein's time, there had been a lot of confusion and a lot of studies in this field(By this I don't mean to say that it is less now, but in fact it has been heating up ever since). A lot things, mysteries, laws of nature were resolved by 17th Century Genius -- Issac Newton. But later Albert Einstein, the current time genius came up to show that many things Newton Showed were either incomplete or incorrect. By this I don't mean to say that what Mr. Newton did was incorrect. In fact Issac newton was one of the greatest genius mind ever lived. He was such a great mathematician and scientist that even though he had a very few options with mathematics in his time, he CREATED those required knowledge himself and solved almost all the fundamental problems that people had never been thinking before and started the modern era of science.And according to my personal belief, if he would have been born at the same time of Einstein, he would have been able to do the same thing that Einstein did.

Einstein main work which are referred to "Special Theory Of Relativity(1905)" that refer to especially to the high speed facts and "The General Theory of Relativity(1915)" that especially is focused on the gravity and its property( We will come to this property and theories in later blogs). And the special about these theory is that, they can tell you a lot about the entire nature of universe. Being unsuccessful on completing the Unified theory of the universe, that would actually tell us about all the phenomena that occurs around us in an level of elementary level from a single equation, he still holds the key to the modern physics and knowledge to the modern universe, or it would be better to say modern knowledge to the universe.

At this time we know many things about universe which may not be even a very small fraction of knowledge that we are yet to get because it is completely filled with mysteries.But there is a hope for what we think to be the end of theoretical physics. Since a long time( basically after Einstein incomplete work on unified theory of universe) scientists and physicist around the globe have been trying to combine the two most crashing( opposing) and proved to be true on individual experiments for a long time which are the general theory of relativity and the quantum mechanics. So the work on progress is called the superstring theory or the latest development in this theory have named this to me the M-Theory( where some say M stands for master, or mother or more scientifically its called membrane theory).

As I mentioned before, many people may consider saying universe and space as a same thing. Let me just clarify this misconception. For this purpose, I will take an example of a balloon. So here the universe is the all balloon that we see from outside but the space is just the air inside it. We would never be able to see the universe because for that we need to move out of this whole universe and look at it like what we did when seeing the balloon from outside. And scientifically it would be only possible only when we move "out of this universe WHICH again should be done my moving out the spatial dimension of spacetime( more on this on later blog).

So, to put the contrast on above things I would be talking about the next dimensional level for us in the next article. After that I will go through the universe and in this way I would be gradually increasing the level of posts in this blog and will update as frequently as possible with error corrections and your suggestions.